Hear ye, hear ye!

An Evening of Feasting, Fanfare & Fundraising
to support Financial Aid at Burke
on Saturday, April 26, 2025

The Burke Auction is the biggest social and fundraising event of the school year, and its success depends upon the involvement and generosity of many community members volunteers coming in support of Financial Aid.  One hundred percent of Auction proceeds support Burke's Financial Aid program. Burke provides assistance to more than 30% of our families, allowing us to maintain the economic diversity that makes Burke a special place for all of our students. 

How to contribute to the Auction's success:

List of 4 items.

  • Attend the Auction

    Purchase tickets to join us for the event of the year!
  • Contribute Auction Items

    We are always happy to receive silent and live auction items! If you have an idea that you’d like to discuss with us, please don’t hesitate to reach out to kate.maskarinec@burkeschool.org.
  • Donate

    All financial contributions to the Auction for Financial Aid are appreciated! Your support ensures our ability to continue to support Burke families and students.
  • Volunteer Team

    Whether you have lots of time to give or just a little, there are endless opportunities to volunteer with the auction - and we’d love to count you in! We will be seeking volunteers to help with decorations, auction item and sponsor solicitation, data entry, community outreach, and more. If you’d like to get involved or learn more, please reach out to kate.maskarinec@burkeschool.org.
Co-ed, progressive, college prep school in Washington, DC featuring a challenging curriculum in an inclusive environment for grades 6-12.